Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Status : bored

You in fb got a status update? Its a shame that its not being used properly..

Personally i think that we or as in i, use to make a statement to attart people to view it. Yea i know but hey its in my space right? my right.. and its a shame haha. It basically pops out yelling "Pick me, pick me!" in a class to answer a question to the lecturer.

This PC keyboard is really cramping my typing style.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Do hate me please.

I havent been updating and i get so many profile views by then. Ive got potential to be famous rupanya! haha kidding.

Ill leave you guys who has been great enuff to visit this dead blog of mine.

In bahasa melayu sense, you say,

"Siapa namamu" right?


"Apa nama mu"

Is it me or are evryone disagrees with me that it shud be "apa namamu"


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Im uploading photos to fb and im planning to make a compilation of "sleeping pictures" hehe :D

ALUUU!! Hello brader *Snapping your fingers as close to your face as your right bum touches the left. Ok that might be a ridiculous exegeration(is this how you spell it?) anyway. Thats how malaysian people do to you.. will do to you in some situation which i cant really point it out how yet. But i can see its there.

Nya orang ketani, inda beumpaman nyamo! lol.

This was taken yesterday.. After the maths thing. Sikit urang = boring lecture.

Snow in the east.

Urang uk apa main snow.. aku pun main snow kaliah! inda payah jauh-jauh lagi tu! lol.

It was -5 o'celcius and it is in genting. JADI TAH! lol.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ring a ding ding.

Ive been giving this alot of thought. Okay i made decision and the verdict is im going to switch the main purpose of this blog with my so called personal journal. Its hard for me link people and vice versa. As you might or not probably know that i alos have another journal, a journal just for me to write stuff regarding school life, thoughts, emotional breakdown shits and things like bitching about people (not that ive written about anyone okay? its just an example doi!)

I have not been updating my blog since last month and because of what? - cos i was a bit depressed ladies and g's. Yes d-e-p-r-e-s-s-e-d = grrr-im-quite-embarrassed-to-tell. lol...

...hmmm.. but why should i be malu to tell people that im depressed? Is it because of my ego? NO. Okay perhaps, telling people that your sad, feeling down or depressed makes you look un-manly or it shows people that you have a certain weakness? -Sometimes lol. but still not a yes right.. Now this is a yes to the question.

I tend to be very lazy when ever im depressed. ^-^

Right, not?